Friday, December 19, 2014

Some Progress for my Passing Project

Hello Everyone!
I just wanted to update you guys on how my project is coming along for Senior Seminar! As you probably already know, my piece deals with the departure of the soul. I have realized that as I move farther along ino this project that it has not only represented the passing of my mom, but the stages of releasing the grief after her death.

Below is an image of my progress. I was able to paint the skeleton on one of the bodies and I painted the boarder on all of the bodies.

As I have been working people have come up to me saying that they look like they are dancing
! Their soul is dancing.

I have more work that needs to be done still. I need to paint the skeletons, add collaging, and add bead work. 
There are other things too, that are side surprises. Soon it will be done

Friday, December 5, 2014

Passing Project- I'm Getting There

Hi everyone!

For my senior seminar class I have been working on an art piece titled "Passing". For a little debriefing, the artwork exemplifies the process of the human soul being expelled from the physical body and it shows how death can be viewed as an enriching experience.

The piece I am in the process of constructing is 2/3 life-size and constructed out of birchwood. There are four large components to it; and in the end they are suppost to hang on the wall in a triangular formation. Here are the initial paper stencils in the right layout!

I have gotton as far as constructing the basic forms of the pieces from the wood. It is taking a long time to carve and sand the shapes. But it has been pretty cool to use the hand saw. I feel like a genuine hard-core artist! Once I am done carving I can smoothly go into layering and my progress will increase greatly. So far I have accomplished a good amount, given the time I have.

I plan to create dawings while incorperating a light yellow painted boarder along with layering beads, natural designs, paper and other cool stuff thats a surprise! I will have to cram time in after school and at home to make this come together. But it will get done and turn out beautifully!

If you have any comments or want to know more comment on it!
Bye guys!

Monday, December 1, 2014

A Trip to Virginia MOCA!

Hello artists!

Just the other day my art class took a trip to the VA MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art). While there we met with the people who worked behind the scenes to the amazing exhibits shown. The curators gave us tips about how to showcase work and how to present ourselves as professional artists.

As I was listening to the curators, they emphasized the importance of presenting myself in a mature manner. They showed me past examples of applications that were sent in by artists with the aim of having their work showcased in the museum. As part of the application the artists have to fill out their basic contact information, provide a summary of their work, and send in samples of their work. One artist filled out part of the application, provided no viewable images, and decided to add in a page-long poem on the theory of color!

Another thing they shared with me was to have effective images of my work on hand and to think about how others will be viewing me for the first time without actually seeing you. Little things, like emailing back at the last minute or sending in crinkled papers say a lot about your character. Every little interaction counts in other persons mind because they are investing in your work.

The most important piece of advice I took away from this experience was to be very conscious of how I interact with museums that I am interested in showcasing my work. They are ultimately the ones who will get my name recognized.

Thank you so much Mrs. Byrn and the other presenters behind the great museum visit! I have one last question, though. How many applicants come through MOCA and how many are accepted or even considered for showcasing work?

Virginia MOCA does a great job of showcasing world famous artists, and by far they are my favorite museum to visit! I encourage everyone to vist sometime!!!